Wednesday 12 January 2011

It's tense, and C3PO stole the baby monitor

There’s a certain tension in the air at home at the moment and there are a few different reasons for this. Firstly, we’ve removed the bars from the side of Helen’s cot so she’s now sleeping in her own bed.

Whereas Helen’s been very excited about getting a grown-up bed, Anna’s been in a state of high alert over the past few evenings in case Helen rolls out and on to the floor. I’m more relaxed about the situation. I think the bed is so low to the ground that Helen would have to do something spectacular to injure herself.

That said, the inevitable actually happened this morning and I had to scoop Helen up off the floor. There were a few tears but the most serious injury was to Helen’s pride and a quick cuddle seemed to put that right.

It is perhaps just as well that we’ve got both a bed guard and baby monitor on order from Mothercare. While I question whether it will do much for Helen, Anna and I will have peace of mind knowing that:

1)      It’ll be difficult for her to tumble out the bed and
2)      We’ll hear it if she does.

You might think it odd that we don’t already have a baby monitor. Well, we did have one but we lost the receiver end some time ago. It suspiciously went missing at our wedding reception shortly after my brother, who’d had a little bit to drink, was seen using it to do impressions of the Star Wars character C3PO.

Oh, yes, that was quite a night.

Another reason for the tension is that Helen had the MMR jab nine days ago. We’re on tenterhooks because we’ve been led to believe that many kids fall ill and get a temperature at day 10. Helen’s been clingy over the past few days so I’ve been wondering if something is brewing.

There are a couple of other reasons for the tense atmosphere at home but I’m not going to say anything just yet. All I’ll say is they’re positive reasons and I hope to be in a position to reveal something shortly.

Oh, just one further point. More conservative readers may have picked up on the fact that our baby monitor was in use at our wedding reception. In an act of full disclosure I confess that little Helen was born before we got married. Nobody’s perfect…

Until next time…

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